Trust us with your pet’s care.
We go above and beyond for your pet.
We understand that surgery can be a source of anxiety for you and your family. That’s why it’s important to trust the people who will be taking care of your pet. Our experienced team of doctors and staff make it their number one priority to focus on pain management, patient safety, and use the most current surgical practices to ensure your pet receives the best veterinary care. Our team will be working with you before, during, and after surgery to address any questions or concerns you may have about the surgical procedure, anesthesia, or postoperative care. In short: we don’t cut corners, and we don’t compromise on care.
Spay & Neuter
Spay and neuter surgeries are some of the most frequently performed procedures in veterinary medicine. Not only do they prevent unwanted pregnancies, but they also prevent a number of problematic health and behavioral issues.
The Benefits of Spay and Neuter Surgery
Male and female cats and dogs can all benefit in the long term from being spayed or neutered. Some of the health and behavioral issues eliminated by this procedure include:
- Eliminates the heat cycle and spotting in females
- Reduces the risk of mammary tumors in females
- Prevents uterine infections and cancers in females
- Reduces roaming tendencies in males and females
- Reduces aggressive behavior in males
- Eliminates or reduces mounting and marking/spray behaviors in males
- Prevents testicular tumors in males
- Reduces the risk of prostate problems in males
Spaying and Neutering Reduces Overpopulation
Some owners are initially uncomfortable with the idea of taking away their pet’s ability to breed. However, spaying and neutering is not only a healthier option, but it also helps other animals stand a chance at adoption. Most unplanned pet pregnancies result in puppies or kittens whose owners are unwilling or unable to care for them. These animals usually end up in shelters or on the street as strays. In fact, the ASPCA estimates that approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. pet shelters each year. Sadly, a large number of these pets will never find a forever home. By preventing your pets from unexpectedly breeding, you can reduce the number of pets going into shelters, thereby increasing the odds of adopting current shelter residents.
What to Expect
We recommend spaying and neutering pets when they are roughly six months old, though it can vary pet by pet. When you bring your new puppy or kitten in for their first wellness exam or consultation, we will examine them, discuss your options, and plan accordingly.
If your pet is ready to undergo their spay/neuter, we will need to perform a pre-surgical exam and run blood work to make sure they’re healthy enough for anesthesia. If we detect problems, we can delay the procedure until the issue can be remedied. We follow the same protocols during spay and neuter procedures as we do with any pet surgery.
While your pet is under anesthesia, they will receive IV fluids for hydration and blood pressure support. Additionally, they will be kept warm with Bair Huggers and have their vital signs monitored throughout the procedure. Once they are out of surgery and wake up safely from their anesthesia, they can be released into your care.
Remember, it’s important to keep your pet as calm and contained as possible following their procedure so they can heal properly. We also ask that you notify us immediately if your pet is having any problems.
A lumpectomy is a surgical procedure to remove an abnormal growth on or below the skin surface or attached to an organ wall. A physical examination, along with tests, and biopsy may be conducted before a lumpectomy to determine the nature of the lump, the cells involved, and whether the lump is benign or malignant. Samples of the lump are usually sent for analysis at the time of lumpectomy whether or not biopsy was conducted before the procedure to confirm the diagnosis and establish tissue margins. A benign tumor may be treated with lumpectomy alone; malignant tumors may require additional treatment to ensure abnormal growths do not spread to other tissues. A lumpectomy will involve removing the abnormal growth and some of the healthy tissue surrounding it to ensure that the abnormal cells do not spread to surrounding tissues. Small lumpectomies at the skin surface may be performed under local anesthetic by your veterinarian, but most lumpectomies are performed under general anesthesia.
A cystotomy is a surgical opening created in the wall of the urinary bladder. This procedure allows the surgeon to look inside the bladder.
Cystotomy is most indicated for bladder problems, including removing bladder stones, bladder tumors, and blood clots. This procedure also can be done to obtain a biopsy sample of the urinary bladder. Cystotomy is done to repair a rupture or severe trauma to the urinary bladder. In cases of abnormal insertion of the ureters into the bladder (these are the thin long tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder), a cystotomy incision will be needed to correct the problem.
Dental Surgery
When you think of pet dentistry, you probably think of such standard veterinary services as checkups and cleanings. If the subject of pet surgery comes up during a dental exam, it’s most likely in the context of extracting a diseased tooth. But modern veterinary dentistry has actually grown quite sophisticated in its ability to treat a wide range of issues. Here at Shirkey Vet Clinic, our veterinarians can provide dental assistance for your pet at lower prices (in most cases) than you could get from a specialty vet clinic.
While extracting teeth can be the most sensible treatment for a severely damaged tooth or one that threatens neighboring teeth’ health, it certainly isn’t the only answer. Some people wouldn’t automatically expect their own dentist to pull any tooth that had a problem. Repairing and saving problematic teeth can make it easier for pets to chew their food properly, and it also preserves the bone density in the jaw. That’s why we offer such advanced veterinary services as:
Oral Tumor Biopsy and Removal
Growths in your pet’s mouth may be oral cancer, or they may be a benign condition such as gingival hyperplasia. We can inspect your pet’s mouth and perform a tissue biopsy, if indicated, on the growth to identify whether it’s malignant. If it is, we can perform pet surgery or other treatments as needed.